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Plejehjemsbeboere med svaekkede frontale funktioner kan opnå bedre livskvalitet
Engelsk titel: Nursing home residents with frontal lobe deficits can achieve improved quality of life Läs online Författare: Gotfredsen, Kirsten Språk: Dan Antal referenser: 10 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 17030364


Sygeplejersken Fag&Forskning 2017;117(1)70-4 ISSN 1601-7617 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift


Nursing staff in nursing homes can assist the group of residents affected by impaired function of the frontotemporal lobes. These are residents who due to their medical condition have acquired difficulties coping with social contexts and exercising executive control of their own actions. In addition to presenting the difficulties faced by individuals affected by executive function deficits, we describe the interventions that can assist affected residents to achieve improved quality of life.