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Nyt observationsregime identificerer kritisk syge patienter
Engelsk titel: Observational procedure identifies critically ill patients in an emergency department Läs online Författare: Rekvad, Lise Ewald ; Schmidt, Thomas ; Schjödtz Bertelsen, Inge Språk: Dan Antal referenser: 10 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 17050296


Sygeplejersken Fag&Forskning 2017;117(2)56-61 ISSN 1601-7617 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift


In the Emergency Department of Odense University Hospital, we worked to implement a regimen for systematic observation of patients. The regimen is designed to assist triage staff in identifying critically ill patients before their condition becomes life-threatening. Implementation of the observational regimen was inspired by the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles. In the Plan and Do cycles, we addressed factors that might promote/inhibit implementation. A research project focused on the Study cycle of the observational regimen allowed us to adjust the Act observational regimen to daily clinical practice. The observational regimen is now integrated in the standard routine, and has resulted in increased observation of patients, improved follow-up of critical observations and improved documentation. Implementation has, however, revealed that challenges persist in systems for identifying critical conditions. In a research project, we consequently examined what might be done in future to further improve systematic observation of patients.