The experience of nurses working within a voluntary network: a qualitative study of health care for undocumented migrants
Engelsk titel: The experience of nurses working within a voluntary network: a qualitative study of health care for undocumented migrants
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Sandblom, Maria
Mangrio, Elisabeth
Språk: Eng
Antal referenser: 26
UI-nummer: 17070121
Purpose: To illuminate the experience of nurses providing health care to undocumented migrants in a voluntary network.
Methods and sample: In a qualitative study, semistructured interviews were conducted with RNs regarding their experience of providing health care to undocumented migrants within a voluntary network. The interview transcripts were analysed using the inductive method of content analysis.
Findings: Three main categories emerged – structural inadequacy, ethical dilemmas and challenges, and personal impact and insights. The informants were driven by a strong ethical approach and a great sense of responsibility as human beings and as nurses.
Conclusion: Engaging with the voluntary network allowed the informants to cope with their frustration and feelings of inadequacy which emerged when confronted with institutionalised injustice in the conventional healthcare system. Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons.