Hvordan kan aktivitet med selroboten Paro fremme helse hos sykehjemsbeboere med en demenssykdom?
Engelsk titel: How could activity with the seal robot Paro promote health in nursing home residents with dementia?
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Jöranson, Nina
Email: nina.joranson@vid.no
Språk: Nor
Antal referenser: 69
UI-nummer: 17090202
Nursing home residents with dementia who have behavioral challenges are recommended tailored activities as first treatment as replacement for psychotropic treatment. This paper deals with whether a novel activity, systematic intervention with the seal robot Paro, could promote health in nursing home residents with dementia. The presented findings are collected from three published research papers from an intervention study with Paro. A theoretical model was applied in order to investigate development of engagement through tailored activities. The model sheds light on how several qualities in the activity interacted to create engagement. In addition, effects on reduced agitation and depression could be explained through the model in terms of how emotions and behavior were affected in the participants. The positive findings from the study seem to underpin Paro as a tailored and feasible activity, which could be regarded as a health promoting activity.