Helsepersonells erfaringer med å implementere kunnskapsbasert praksis på et sykehus i Norge
Background: Health care services should be evidence-based, but exploiting the potential of new and existing clinical practice knowledge is challenging. The research presented in this article was the first sub-study in an action research project – a collaboration between a university hospital and a university of applied science. The joint project aimed to support the implementation of evidence-based practice at the hospital in order to strengthen the quality of its clinical practice and to develop practice placements as an arena for learning. The purpose of the first sub-study was to unfold the experiences and attitudes of the staff concerning the implementation of evidence-based practice. The research question was, ‘How do the health care personnel experience evidence-based practice in their daily work’? Method: A cultural analysis was conducted using the letter-writing method to grasp the staff’s lived experiences. The data were analysed via a content analysis. Results: The results are presented as three main categories: (1) The leader sets the tone as a motivator and an instigator; (2) a positive attitude towards the use and understanding of evidence-based practice in the working environment; and (3) organizational circumstances of importance. The study showed the importance of a leader who has a positive attitude regarding the development of the working environment and the importance of a leader who motivates staff and creates opportunities for implementation of evidence -based practice. The leader’s attitude is revealed through a culture of openness and cooperation that enables sharing experiences and reflection. Furthermore, real enthusiasts with competence and interest in evidence-based practice are needed. Hindering factors affecting the implementation of evidence-based practice were lack of time, heavy work load and insufficient knowledge about the topic. Conclusion: For health care services to successfully implement evidence-based practice, there must be an interplay between the leader as a motivator, staff with a positive attitude towards development and an organization that encourages development.