Fra behandling til recovery. En review-studie av forskning på dagsentra for mennesker med psykiske lidelser
Engelsk titel: From treatment to recovery. A literature review of research on day centers for people with mental health problems
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Bachke, Carl Christian
Larsen, Inger Beate
Språk: Nor
Antal referenser: 56
UI-nummer: 17100187
Both questions are answered by examining 34 research publications, printed in either Scandinavian or English languages during the period 1962-2015. An integrative literature review was used as method. The topical knowledge revealed is categorized under two headings: (a) the day centres’ organization, and (b) their materiality and internal life. The results and the discussion show that the day centres in the 1960s started out as arenas based on treatment ideology, dominated by psychiatric, medical knowledge. Slowly and gradually the ideology changed towards recovery approaches. However, this change in ideology does not mean that the day centres have succeeded in implementing the idea of integrating the users in the general society.