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Alcohol screening in North Denmark Region hospitals: Frequency of screening and experiences of health professionals
Engelsk titel: Alcohol screening in North Denmark Region hospitals: Frequency of screening and experiences of health professionals Läs online Författare: Grönkjear, Mette ; Söndergaard, Lise Nörregaard ; Klit, Mona Östergaard ; Mariegaard, Kerstin ; Kusk, Kathrine Hoffmann Språk: Eng Antal referenser: 35 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 17110025


Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 2017;34(3)230-42 ISSN 1455-0725 E-ISSN 1458-6126 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Background: Alcohol consumption is a risk factor for disease, disability and death. Approximately 20% of all hospital admissions are alcohol related. In Denmark, hospitalised patients undergo systematic health risk screenings to establish preventive initiatives if the screening detects a risk. The frequency and usability of alcohol screening and health professionals’ experiences of the screening is unknown. Aim: To examine the frequency and usability of alcohol screening at North Denmark Region hospitals, as well as health professionals’ experiences of screening for alcohol. Methods: This study consisted of an initial audit of 120 patient records from medical and surgical units at four hospitals assessing information on alcohol screening. This was followed by six focusgroup interviews with health professionals (n ¼ 20) regarding their experiences of conducting alcohol screening. Results: Among overall health screenings, screening for alcohol and tobacco smoking was performed most frequently (81.8% and 85%). Alcohol screening scored the lowest percentage for usability (67.7%). Hospital-based alcohol screening was perceived ambiguously leading to a schism between standardised alcohol screening and the individual needs of the patient. Health professionals described different patient types, each with their perceived needs, and screening was associated with taboo and reluctance to engage in alcohol screening of some patient groups. Conclusion: This study revealed factors that influence health professionals working with hospital-based alcohol screening. The variation in and complexity of alcohol screening suggests that screening practice is an ambiguous task that needs continuous reflection and development to ensure that health professionals are prepared for the task.