Norske tannlegers forskrivning av antibiotika. En undersøkelse over 25 år (1990 - 2015)
Bacterial antibiotic resistance is a steadily growing global problem, which today is compared with issues like global warming, ozone depletion and extinction of species. Consequently, calls come from global, pan-European and national authorities to gain insight into, limit and stringently qualify the use of antibiotics in human and veterinary medicine, as well as in food production. Dentists are not considered to be frequent prescribers of antibiotics. However, few studies have identified how much and in which situations dentists prescribe such drugs. The aim of the present study was to survey the Norwegian dentists' antibiotic prescribing habits in 2015 and compare the findings with previous studies (1990 and 2004) and with the actual numbers of dispensed prescriptions harvested from the "Norwegian National Prescription Register». The results from 1990 to 2004 showed that there was a general increase in antibiotic prescriptions by Norwegian dentists, followed by a reduction or flattening of the prescription volume curve from 2004 to 2015. Despite this, possibilities for further improvements are identified and recommendations given for targeted campaigns to reduce the prescription volume in Norwegian dentistry by 30 %, as ordered by the Norwegian National Assembly.