Burned-out seminom-lymfeknudemetastase på halsen hos en patient med radikalt behandlet cancer coli
Engelsk titel: A burned-out seminoma lymph node metastasis to the neck of a patient treated for colon cancer
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Juul, Marie Louise
Rye Rasmussen, Eva
Email: mljuul@hotmail.com
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 5
UI-nummer: 17120164
The incidence of metastases to the neck in testicular cancer is 4-15%, and in 5% of these cases the metastasis is the only symptom. We present a 57-year-old asymptomatic male, who had previously been treated for colon cancer. A routine PET-CT showed enlarged lymph nodes in the retroperitoneum and at the neck. A core needle biopsy from the lymph node at the neck contained malignant cells, but not from colon cancer. The lymph node was extirpated, and pathological analysis proved it to be a metastasis from a testicular seminoma. A burned-out seminoma was subsequently found in the patient’s right testicle.