Master’s – level public health nurse education in Norway. A qualitative study among the first cohort students
Engelsk titel: Master’s – level public health nurse education in Norway. A qualitative study among the first cohort students
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Karlsen, Anne-Gerd
Skaalvik, Mari Wolff
Språk: Eng
Antal referenser: 32
UI-nummer: 18010173
Background: Since 1983, nursing education in Norway has been part of higher education and it has been a bachelor’s degree programme since 2005. There are a number of postgraduate programmes in nursing, but few are part of master’s degree/second-cycle studies. In 2011, one Norwegian university piloted an innovative master’s programme in public health nursing. The first cohort graduated in 2014. Aim: To explore and describe how far the students in this first cohort experienced and perceived the programme as beneficial for their practice placements and future practice as public health nurses. Method: A qualitative design with research interviews. Results: Six themes emerged with the common feature of tension felt by the informants in combining and integrating academic subjects into their perception of public health nursing as a profession. Conclusion: The tension experienced by the informants raises challenges in developing the curriculum, and pedagogical principles must be considered. Educators must support students’ desire to integrate academic and professional aspects of the programme.