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Relasjonell innsikt sett i lys av makt, kunnskap, kjönn og ansvar. En studie fra nordnorsk distriktpsykiatri
Engelsk titel: Relational insight in the light of power, knowledge, gender and responsibility. A study from Northern Norway district psychiatry Läs online Författare: Sörly, Rita Språk: Nor Antal referenser: 29 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 18010179


Tidsskrift for Psykisk Helsearbeid 2017;14(4)290-301 ISSN 1503-6707 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Insight is a key concept within mental health care, and is, in a medical approach, understood as an individualistic and problem-oriented phenomenon. Professionals determine whether you, as a mental health service user, have insight when you are admitted or in treatment. In a study on user involvement and insight among 30 users of community mental health services in northern Norway a more dynamic definition of insight became prominent. Relational insight is practiced through dialogue and is a prerequisite to real user involvement. By performing a thematic analysis of the interviews in the study power, knowledge, gender and responsibility became key concepts in the understanding of insight. Insight is exercised in daily social interaction between people. Four excerpts from the interviews are presented in this article, related to the various key concepts. The excerpts illuminate insight as a relational and collaborative approach, seen from the users' perspectives. The purpose of this article is to shed light on the complexity of insight in the field, and promote narrative practice as a process-oriented and collaborative approach with implications for mental health care. An individual-oriented, medical approach to insight has existed within mental health care for a long time. This is a step away from it.