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Smell and tell: Strategically using odours to facilitate communication during witness interviews
Engelsk titel: Smell and tell: Strategically using odours to facilitate communication during witness interviews Läs online Författare: Landström, Sara ; Magnusson, Mikaela Språk: Eng Antal referenser: 28 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 18010336


Nordic Psychology 2017;69(4)248-55 ISSN 1901-2276 E-ISSN 1904-0016 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Odours are often identified as effective cues to evoke autobiographical memories. The purpose of the present experiment was to examine if olfactory exposure during encoding and retrieval could be strategically used to facilitate recall of information relating to a crime. Ninety-seven undergraduate students volunteered to participate in a 2 (Encoding: vanilla odour vs. no odour) × 2 (Retrieval: vanilla odour vs. no odour) between-subjects design. Amount and accuracy of reported details from a news report concerning a rape case functioned as dependent variables. Analyses indicated no significant effects on the total amount of reported details as a function of odour exposure. However, the participants who smelled vanilla during memory retrieval achieved, independent of previous encoding context, significantly higher accuracy rates. Unexpectedly, utilizing a pleasant vanilla odour during the report phase thus appeared beneficial to enhance the accuracy of a testimony. Methodological limitations with the experimental paradigm and odour distribution techniques will be furthered discussed.