Engelsk titel: Off-label prescription of psychopharmacological drugs for children and adolescents
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Pagsberg, Anne Katrine
Hove Thomsen, Per
Email: anne.katrine.pagsberg@regionh.dk
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 26
UI-nummer: 18010381
Despite regulatory initiatives, psychopharmacological treatment of adolescents is challenged by missing trial data on efficacy and safety. An estimated mean off-label prescription rate of 30-40% in Danish clinical child- and adolescent mental health services (MHS) has been found. Lowest rates were found for ADHD drugs (2-3%) and highest for antipsychotics (96%) and melatonin (100%). The use of melatonin is growing, while the use of other psychopharmacological drugs seems stabilizing or decreasing in spite of more adolescents treated in Danish MHS.