Receptgennemgang i faelles medicinkort- online hos en adipös dreng med iatrogen Cushings syndrom
Engelsk titel: Review of online prescriptions of topical steroids for an obese boy with iatrogenic Cushing’s syndrome
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Dalby, Sina
Östergaard, Inge
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 4
UI-nummer: 18010408
An obese boy developed iatrogenic Cushing’s syndrome after topical steroid therapy for psoriasis. This was suspected due to striae, moon face and stunted growth. A review of the Danish online registration of prescriptions: Shared Medicine Card (SMC), revealed a 5.1 kg topical steroids prescription for 12-mo.s. Blood tests showed stunted cortisol release. Primary obesity in children is associated with increased growth. Decreased growth warrants investigations for an underlying condition. This illustrates a useful SMC when many physicians are involved.