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Seksjonslederes vurdering av praksisstudier for bachelor- og videreutdanningsstudenter i sykepleie. Tilrettelegging og gjennomføring av praksisstudier med god kvalitet – en utfordring for seksjonsledere ved et somatisk sykehus
Engelsk titel: Clinical studies for bachelor- and postgraduate nursing students from the nurse manager’s perspective. Quality in preparation and realization of clinical studies- challenges for nurse managers Läs online Författare: Guldbrandsen, Tove ; Myhre, Kristin ; Asmyhr, Morten ; Björknes, Gerd Språk: Nor Antal referenser: 19 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 18030233


Nordisk Sygeplejeforskning 2018;8(1)75-84 ISSN 1892-2678 E-ISSN 1892-2686 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift


The aim of this study was to elucidate how nurse managers judge clinical studies and placements for students in nursing. The study is part of a larger project where a university college and a somatic hospital have worked together to explore “Quality in clinical studies”. A qualitative design was used. Data were collected through focus group interviews. The participants were fifteen nurse managers who were responsible for placements for bachelor- and postgraduate nursing students at their wards. Content analysis of the interviews resulted in four main categories with subcategories. The study shows that managers do take responsibility and have a positive attitude to provide quality placements. The main success factors are enough time to supervise students, supervising competencies in staff and improved cooperation between important stakeholders. The study reveals major differences in how clinical studies are organized. To be able to offer placements of quality to a rapidly growing number of students, nurse managers must be given resources and opportunity to meet these challenges.