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Hvordan bruke trykkeri og kafédrift metodisk for å fremme aktivitet, deltakelse og mestring? Ergoterapeuters erfaringer med arbeidstrening for pasienter med psykiske lidelser innen spesialisthelsetjenesten
Engelsk titel: How to use the print shops and cafeteria methodically to promote activity, participation and coping? Occupational therapists' experience of work training for patients with mental health disorders in the secondary care Läs online Författare: Celo, Cecilia ; Wang, Anita ; Lund, Stine ; Aadland, Camilla ; Lund, Henriette Tuer ; Louragli, Amina Språk: Nor Antal referenser: 25 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 18040171


Ergoterapeuten (Oslo) 2018;61(1)38-47 ISSN 0800-3475 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift


Introduction: Occupational therapists (OT’s) have for many years worked with vocational rehabilitation of in-patients with severe mental illnesses during their hospitalization. The in-patients have the opportunity to enroll in a work experience program at a café and/or print shop. The OT’s provide an environment in which patients can develop and practice skills needed to facilitate their return to society. Objectives: In this presentation we want to share our experience with a systematic approach to vocational rehabilitation for in-patients in a psychiatric ward in Oslo. Method/approach: Six OT’s participated in a focus group to discuss and document our experience with vocational rehabilitation and activity therapy within mental health care. Results/practice implications: the main themes that emerged during the course of this study were: methodical use of vocational rehabilitation, systematic facilitation of activities and the environment, and how OT’s can tailor activities based on individual needs. Conclusion: There is a positive correlation between the contribution made by OT’s and the skills transfer necessary for the successful re-integration of patients with mental illnesses into society