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Erfaring med natur aktiverer minner og gir gode opplevelser for eldre på sykehjem
Engelsk titel: Being in contact with nature activates memories and offers elderly people in nursing homes beneficial experiences Läs online Författare: Johansen, Håkon ; Gonzalez, Marianne Thorsen Språk: Nor Antal referenser: 40 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 18060111


Sykepleien Forskning 2018;13(e-69738)1-19 ISSN 0806-7511 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Background: Earlier research shows that contact with nature can promote well-being in nursing home residents. However, little use is made of nature and the outdoors as therapeutic environments in nursing homes. Objective: The objective of this study was to explore and describe what characterises experiences and memories linked to nature and the outdoor environment in a Norwegian context for residents staying permanently in a nursing home. Method: The study had a qualitative exploratory and descriptive design. We collected data using semi-structured interviews. Eight participants aged between 62 and 90 were interviewed twice. We carried out one interview outdoors and one indoors in the resident’s room with the aid of photographs of natural environments, with each participant. The audiotaped interviews were transcribed and analysed using systematic text condensation. Results: We identified four main themes with sub-groups: Being engaged: wanting change, receiving beneficial sensory impressions, experiencing fascination Thriving: experiencing well-being, being more active, being together with others Recalling contact with one’s roots and identity: being rooted in the landscape, recalling one’s life history, being the person I am, being helped to remember Experiencing old age in contact with nature: using nature differently than before, difference in nature experiences, relationship with nature is different, nature and the human life course Conclusion: Residents’ perceptions of nature and the outdoor surroundings are characterised by good experiences and a reactivation of their own life history. Nature and the outdoor surroundings should have a key position as therapeutic environments in nursing homes. The findings are in line with established theories and are supported by reported research in the field.