Engelsk titel: A retrospective analysis of the management of unconscious patients from the emergency room (ER) to intensive care (ICU) at Södersjukhuset
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Elftman, Johanna
Grip, Annette
Cleaver, Brian
Email: brian.cleaver@sll.se
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 5
UI-nummer: 18110250
Intubation and admission to ICU are vital stages in the management of unconscious patients. Treatment records for all patients who died within 5 days of admission to Södersjukhuset during 2015 were obtained. Patients with GCS <9 in the ER were selected. It was noted if the patients had been intubated, had done a CT brain scan and if they had been admitted to ICU. They were divided into one of three diagnosis groups: cardiac arrest, intracerebral hemorrhage/stroke or other. 48 of 51 cardiac arrest patients were intubated and transferred to ICU. Only 17 of 46 ICH/stroke patients were intubated, and 22 ICH/stroke patients did a CT brain scan with an unprotected airway. Possible organ donors were more difficult to detect in the cardiac arrest group (6 of 14 possible) compared with the ICH/stroke group (12 of 14 possible). Our analysis shows that improvements need to be made in the airway management of unconscious patients who have suffered an ICH or stroke, and that identification of possible organ donors amongst victims of cardiac arrest also needs to be improved.