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Sykepleieres opplevelse og mestring i möte med dödsfall på sykehjem
Engelsk titel: Nurses’ experiences of deaths in nursing homes and their coping strategies Läs online Författare: Uwizera, Ariane ; Redzovic, Skender Språk: Nor Antal referenser: 38 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 18120082


Geriatrisk Sykepleie 2018;10(2)45-51 ISSN 1891-1889 E-ISSN 1893-563X KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Background: In Norway the elderly population is increasing and greater numbers of elderly people need 24-hour nursing home care. Death in the nursing home setting is the theme of this study. How do nurses experience and cope with their patients` death? Are there follow-up routines for the nurses after patient deaths? Methods: Using a qualitative approach five individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with nurses, in three nursing homes. The material was analysed using Systematic Text Condensation (STC). Results: Nurses experience of patient deaths was that it was demanding; they felt sad but sometimes relieved when a patient had suffered. The nurses said that their own relationship with a patient had significance at the time of death. They reported negative feelings when patients had an undignified death. Limited staffing, part-time work and the use of unqualified staff exacerbated the stress and burden of patient deaths. The nurses said that their accumulated experience and self-care were their main coping resources. Despite a clear need for follow-up procedures, no nursing home had provided these. Conclusion: Patient deaths in nursing homes are a challenging feature of work in nursing home settings. They contribute to physical and mental strain. Nurses´ workloads, design and implementation of follow-up procedures and the staffing situation in general are important issues that should be addressed