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Kemiska ögonfrätskador – akut diagnostik och behandling
Engelsk titel: Emergency management of chemical eye burns Läs online Författare: Arn­ljots, Thorsteinn S ; Samolov, Branka Språk: Swe Antal referenser: 26 Dokumenttyp: Översikt UI-nummer: 19010022


Läkartidningen 2018;115(40)1580-2 ISSN 0023-7205 E-ISSN 1652-7518 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Chemical burn injury of the eye is a medical emergency that requires immediate intervention and structured ophthalmic assessment without unnecessary delay. Chemicals, alkali in particular but also acids, cause profound damage to the anatomy of the ocular surface or even deeper eye structures. The injury is potentially sight-threatening and can, in the worst cases, lead to loss of the eye. Reconstructive surgery is complex and often involves multiple surgeries but can give very good results in carefully selected cases. This article summarizes present evidence-based guidelines relevant for Swedish conditions and in use at St. Erik Eye Hospital in Stockholm.