Kunskapsbaserat tobaksförebyggande arbete i skolan - A Non Smoking Generations (NSG) flerkomponentsprogram
During 2010-2017 the Non governmental organization, A Non Smoking Generation, together with a cross disciplinary advisory research group, developed
a knowledge and theory based multi component tobacco prevention program for primary and secondary schools. This article describes the program development and the implementation in four Swedish municipalities, the degree of commitment and support for implementation and the student´s views on
policies and laws regarding tobacco. The theoretical framework of the program was based on theories and knowledge of readiness for change, riskand protective factors, implementation, and the process model developed and applied in the project. During the project all schools in the four municipalities
moved from a low level of readiness to a higher to work tobacco preventive. At the end of the project the tobacco specific protective factors were included in
the schools tobacco policy, they were applied and the proportion of student´s who knew about the policy had increased. The results showed that the municipalities’ schools had applied the process model and had come a long way working with it. The interviews also revealed that they were very pleased with
the model and considered it easy to use and sustain in the future work.