Vad står på spel? Om finansiering, folkhälsa och synen på mål och medel i det civila samhället
Engelsk titel: What is at stake? About financing, public health and the view of goals and means in civil society
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Hvenmark, Johan
Henrekson, Ebba
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 16
UI-nummer: 19010110
A positive relationship between public health and civil society is often taken for granted. We oppose this assumption. Many civil society organizations
have traditionally earned revenues on gambling, a practice that also has been encouraged by the state. However, the more negative aspects of gambling have, since the late 1980s, been given increased attention. In this article, we discuss how civil society organizations, for which gambling revenues are
crucial, handle the dilemma that emerges as gambling addiction becomes a public health problem and the organizations in question fail to find alternative
revenue sources. With material from ongoing research, we demonstrate how this situation may relate to boundary work concerning gambling and how the
relationship between means and ends is construed and legitimized.