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Health-promoting influences among Norwegian women following early postnatal home visit by a midwife
Engelsk titel: Health-promoting influences among Norwegian women following early postnatal home visit by a midwife Läs online Författare: Aune, Ingvild ; Dahlberg, Unn ; Haigan, Görill Språk: Eng Antal referenser: 49 Dokumenttyp: Artikel ; Jämförande studie UI-nummer: 19010248


Nordic Journal of Nursing Research 2018;38(4)177-86 ISSN 2057-1585 E-ISSN 2057-1593 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


The objective of this study was 1) to assess the length of stay in hospital after birth among multiparous and primiparous women, 2) to investigate relational continuity of midwifery care, 3) to investigate the validity and reliability of the home visit questionnaire, and 4) to investigate the possible positive influences of a home visit by a midwife two to six days after birth. A total of 85 postnatal women participated in the intervention group, which received home visits from a midwife, while 98 women participated in the control group, which did not receive home visits from a midwife. Of the multiparous women, 16.9% left hospital within 24 hours after birth, whereas only 4.0% of the primiparous women left hospital at this stage. No significant differences between the intervention group and the control group were evident with regard to the length of the postnatal stay. However, considering the primiparous women in the total sample, the intervention group tended to leave hospital earlier than the control group. The women who received a home visit from a midwife reported higher scores on the experience of predictability and continuity in the postnatal care than the control group. The primiparous women experienced the home visit to have a significant influence on their ability to handle the care of their newborn baby, on their mental health, and their feeling of being recognized and supported. A home visit by a midwife early after discharge from hospital seems to have a positive health-promoting influence on primiparous women's confidence and ability to handle the care of their newborn babies, and on perceived support, predictability and continuity of midwifery care.