Laparoskopisk reseksjon av ventrikkelcancer ved Oslo universitetssykehus, Ullevål 2015–18
BACKGROUND: We wished to assess our experiences with laparoscopy used in curative resection for gastric cancer.
MATERIAL AND METHOD: All patients with gastric cancer who underwent curative-intent surgery, irrespective of access, in the period 1 May 2015–28 February 2018 at Oslo University Hospital Ullevål were included. The patient care pathway and oncological results were registered continuously and analysed retrospectively.
RESULTS: A total of 93 patients underwent surgery, 48 of whom were women. Median age was 73 (32–89) years, and 16 patients were 80 years of age or above. The duration of the procedure was 265 (125–644) minutes. Altogether seven patients underwent laparotomy, one was planned and six were converted to open surgery. Standardised lymph node dissection was performed in 88 patients. Complications were recorded in 48 patients, of which 11 were serious. A total of six patients had anastomotic leakage. Three died within 30 days/during hospitalisation. Postoperative hospitalisation was 12 (5–78) days. A total of 86 patients underwent radical surgery, five had tumour infiltration in the resection margins, and two had indeterminate resection status. The median number of lymph nodes identified was 18 (0–53). Tumours were locally advanced in 56 patients.
INTERPRETATION: Laparoscopic gastric resection with standardised lymph node dissection can be performed in most patients with gastric cancer who undergo curative-intent surgery. The method has become standard in our department.