Orale bivirkninger ved antineoplastiske og immunmodulerende laegemidler: Klinik og behandling
Engelsk titel: Oral adverse effects of antineoplastic and immunomodulating agents and their treatment
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Robledo-Sierra, Jairo
Jontell, Mats
Email: jairo.robledo@gu.se
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 124
UI-nummer: 19020208
Biologic targeted therapies and new immunomodulatory agents have revolutionized the treatment landscape of patients with cancer and autoimmune diseases but have also been associated with adverse reactions in the oral cavity. As new drugs are developed, one can assume that more oral side
effects will be encountered. This review describes the most common oral mucosal lesions associated with antineoplastic agents, immunostimulants, and immunosuppressants and how oral health care providers can manage such changes.