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Eldre som ikke koopererer – etiske aspekter
Engelsk titel: Older people who do not cooperate - ethical aspects Läs online Författare: Fjeld, Katrine Gahre ; Abrahamsen, Siren ; Bargbidi, Mitra ; Heggestad, Anne Tolo ; Hove, Lene Hystad Språk: Nor Antal referenser: 19 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 19020224


Aktuel Nordisk Odontologi 2019;44(1)20-33 ISSN 1902-3545 E-ISSN 2058-7538 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift


Healthcare professionals will often experience doubt and disagreement in clinical situations. When patients with cognitive disorders are not competent to give consent and refuse to cooperate according to necessary treatment, it may be especially challenging. This often leads to ethical dilemmas concerning patients’ autonomy and their need for healthcare. Physical and cognitive impairment may cause a rapid collapse in oral health. Healthcare professionals may find it unethical to refrain from treatment if it leads to medical consequences. However, what the patients consider as significant in the last stages of life may be difficult to assess. As society develops, we will face new and unfamiliar ethical challenges. Therefore, it is important for dental professionals to participate in multidisciplinary communities to ensure that laws and ethical values are determined in relevance to clinical settings.