Engelsk titel: "If it is not measured - it is not visible" - about ongoing monitoring of inequality in health
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Vågerö, Denny
Email: vagero@su.se
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 44
UI-nummer: 19030030
Population health is improving but health inequalities persist or grow. Moni-toring them is necessary for our understanding of health differentiation and for decision makers at every level. Local, national and international monito-ring should as far as possible use the same dimensions of stratification: such as gender, education, social class, place of residence, migrant status and economic activity. When we measure health inequalities we should include all groups, not only the extreme ones. We suggest such a measure, suitable both for com-parison of ranked groups (educational) and nominal ones (geographical areas). Monitoring health inequalities provides local or national parliaments, governments and government authorities with useful knowledge. Civil so-ciety, representing disadvantaged segments of the population, may use such knowledge to make political demands.