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Foreldreskap og rus – den tause skammen. Barn som har foreldre i rusbehandling blir i liten grad invitert til barne- og familiesamtaler
Engelsk titel: Parenthood and substance use – the silent shame. Children with parents in treatment for substance use are seldom invited to participate in conversations between their parents and health professionals Läs online Författare: Wangensteen, Turid ; Jansen, Sigrun Dalsaune ; Halsa, Astrid Språk: Nor Antal referenser: 49 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 19030115


Children with substance using parents are vulnerable. Health professionals have a duty to follow up children who are next of kin to parents or siblings suffering from mental illness, substance use disorder, or somatic illness/injury. Seven parents/patients and 18 child responsible personnel were interviewed about their experience with conversations between substance users, their children, and health professionals within interdisciplinary specialized substance treatment. Findings show that obstacles connected to health professionals, patients, and organizational conditions, led to children seldom being invited to participate in such conversations. Findings were discussed on the basis of theory on stigma and shame linked to parenthood and substance use disorder.