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Multidosetjeneste for hjemmeboende –brukernes erfaringer og behov for nye lösninger
Engelsk titel: Multidose service for home dwellers – The users’ experiences and a need for new solutions Läs online Författare: Holbö, Kristine ; Das, Anita ; Böthun, Silje ; Formanek, Marianne Naesland ; Halvorsen, Trond Språk: Nor Antal referenser: 20 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 19050325


Nordisk Välfärdsforskning 2019;4(1)20-31 ISSN 2464-4161 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Background and purpose: With multidose, medical tablets are packaged mechanically for each dosing time to increase the likelihood that people receive the right medication at the right time. Municipal home care providers are increasingly ordering their drugs packaged as multidose, and multidose has become an established home care service offered to home dwellers who need support with their medication. This article documents the experiences and challenges perceived by care recipients related to the multidose service offered by municipal home care. We also propose improvements to both the multidose product and the corresponding service. Method: We conducted two rounds of semi-structured interviews combined with observations with 16 recipients of home care in two Norwegian municipalities. The first round dealt with the practical handling of medicines, procurement and administration, knowledge, information and support from the involved actors. The second round sought deep knowledge about user experiences related to practical handling, forgetfulness and knowledge about drugs. Results and discussion: The study revealed a substantial potential to improve both the multidose product and the associated service, particularly as it relates to practical handling, forgetfulness and information. An easy-to-use multidose design, better access to information, and the personalized customization of the service might make more users self-reliant and reduce the workload in home care.