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Et generationsperspektiv på alderdom i en somalisk familie – et kvalitativt casestudie
Engelsk titel: A generation perspective on ageing in a family with Somali background – a qualitative case study Läs online Författare: Ali, Nasteha ; Mottelson, Ida Nygaard ; Nielsen, Dorthe Språk: Dan Antal referenser: 30 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 19080049


Klinisk Sygepleje 2019;33(2)155-65 ISSN 0902-2767 E-ISSN 1903-2285 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift


Background: There is a tradition in the Somali culture of taking care of each other instead of using different types of care facilities and institutions. The aim of this study was to generate knowledge about how a family of Somali background experiences getting old in Denmark. Methods: Methodologically, the study builds on a case study design using qualitative individual interviews. Three women from the same family, but from three different generations, were invited to the study. Results: The results show that in spite of the social benefits in Denmark, the family becomes the strongest and most important unit in everyday life. Nursing homes and similar institutions are considered a threat to the basic values and traditions within the family. Conclusion: The healthcare professionals should allocate the necessary time to the family and ensure that employees have the appropriate skills to fulfill these tasks professionally.