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Self-reported harm from others’ alcohol, cigarette and illegal drug use in Norway
Engelsk titel: Self-reported harm from others’ alcohol, cigarette and illegal drug use in Norway Läs online Författare: Moan, Inger Synnöve ; Bye, Elin K ; Storvoll, Elisabet E ; Lund, Ingunn Olea Språk: Eng Antal referenser: 58 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 19090188


Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 2019;36(5)413-29 ISSN 1455-0725 E-ISSN 1458-6126 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Aims: While it is documented that substance use harms others than the user, less is known about which substances people experience most harm from, and who the victims and perpetrators are. The aims were: (i) to estimate the prevalence of and overlap in self-reported harm from others’ alcohol, cigarette, and illegal drug use; (ii) to examine potential differences in the prevalence of harm from close relations’ and strangers’ use; and (iii) to examine how the prevalence of harm varies according to demographics and the respondents’ substance use. Methods: Population surveys conducted among 16–64-year-old Norwegians in 2012 and 2016 (N = 3407) assessed self-reported harm from others’ alcohol, cigarette and illegal drug use with identical measures, demographic variables and the respondents’ substance use. Results: Experience of harm from others’ alcohol use was most common, followed by others’ smoking. For all three substances, a higher proportion experienced harm from close relations’ use. Nearly half had experienced harm from others’ use of at least one substance. Women and younger participants were more likely to report harm from others’ alcohol and cigarette use. While alcohol and illegal drug users were more often harmed by others’ use of these substances, smokers reported being less often harmed by others’ smoking. Conclusions: Self-reported harm from others’ alcohol, cigarette and illegal drug use corresponds with the prevalence of use of these substances in Norway. For all three substances, close relations’ use accounted for more harm than strangers’ use. Own substance use was an important correlate of experienced harm.