Aktivitetsersättning och arbetsförmåga: Bristande aktivitet och hypotetiska bedömningar
Engelsk titel: Activity compensation and work ability: Lack of activity and hypothetical assessments
Mannelqvist, Ruth
Email: ruth.mannelqvist@umu.se
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 38
UI-nummer: 20020160
Activity compensation is part of the sickness insurance for young adults with disabilities, with the aim of giving them both financial security and increased
conditions for an active social life by entering the labor market. As a rule, entitlement to compensation requires reduced ability to work. When granted
compensation, activities must be offered that may have a positive impact on the health or the ability to perform. However, there is rarely any concrete
assessment of work ability, and the activities are few and poorly adapted. Thus, there is a large discrepancy between regulation and application when
it comes to work ability. The insurance is in need of change to achieve both justice and legitimacy, and the article discusses some possible measures
from a legal perspective. In conclusion, the right to financial support should be separated from support for activity and labor market linking, as the compensation in itself does not lead to increased participation.