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Socio-material realities of inclusive pedagogy for autistic pupils in mainstream primary schools in the UK
Engelsk titel: Socio-material realities of inclusive pedagogy for autistic pupils in mainstream primary schools in the UK Läs online Författare: Conn, Carmel Språk: Eng Antal referenser: 46 Dokumenttyp: Artikel ; Fallbeskrivning UI-nummer: 20030012


Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 2019;21(1)262-70 ISSN 1501-7419 E-ISSN 1745-3011 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Socio-materialist theories of education highlight the importance of material practices alongside social practices within learning experience. Little is known about inclusive pedagogy for autistic pupils, but this theoretical approach is of relevance since autistic people describe meaningful connections to material things. The aim of this study was to explore the nature of inclusive pedagogy for autistic pupils through the development of two case studies. Research questions focused on tracing the socio-material realities of learning, with information gathered in the form of video recordings. Three realities of learning are described: thinking about maths, asking sensitive questions about the social world, and doing ‘hard work’ and making mistakes. The analysis shows that materialisation per se does not benefit autistic pupils, but can be used to support learning in certain circumstances, particularly where inherent social meanings are more easily made visible. The analysis shows that supportive relationships are also important sources of support.