Engelsk titel: Genomic analyses in the personalised medicine era
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Örntoft, Torben Falck
Email: orntoft@lin.au.dk
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 6
UI-nummer: 20050004
The understanding of the human genome is now finding its way into the daily clinic in hospitals world-wide. It opens new possibilities for individualized screening, examinations, treatments and follow-up. The Danish Parliament has decided on a strategy for Personalized Medicine in Denmark. It includes
the formation of a Danish National Genome Centre that will coordinate the activities, and house many of these. Up to now mainly cancer and inherited diseases have utilized genomic knowledge, however, several other diseases are now benefiting from this tool also. Risk variants in the genome can be used
for screening purposes, and many diseases can be stratified into sub groups based on different genomic components. This is leading to development of new targeted medicine aimed at subgroups. There are ethical and legal challenges that need to be addressed, with the individual’s right to make his or her
own decision in relation to the focus.