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Vandbehandling i danske tandkliniker - en spörgeskemaundersögelse
Engelsk titel: Handling of Danish dental unit water systems - a questionnaires survey Läs online Författare: Groth Nielsen, Sigrid ; Kjeldgaard, Trine Godtberg ; Lervig, Kristina ; Truong, Trinh Tuy ; Baelum, Vibeke ; Frandsen Lau, Ellen Språk: Dan Antal referenser: 8 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 20050018


Tandlaegebladet 2019;123(10)858-61 ISSN 0039-9353 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


PURPOSE AND METHOD – The present article presents a questionnaire survey answered by Danish dentists and reveals the knowledge of, handling of and attitudes towards water quality in dental units among the participants. The topic has hitherto been sparsely investigated. RESULTS – Of the 456 who opened the questionnaire, 56% completed the form, while 25% partially completed the form. A large majority (84%) followed the National Infection Hygiene Guidelines for Dental Clinics and had the microbiological quality of the dental unit water system checked once a year or more frequently. A total of 93% reported knowing the guidelines for water quality, but 35% didn’t know the limit value for the germ count. The majority disinfected both the oldest (74%) and the youngest unit (83%). Only 2% of dentists expressed serious concerns for the influence of water quality on the health of dentists, staff and/or patients. CONCLUSION – A large proportion of the dentists participating in the survey disinfected the water of their dental units, both the youngest and the oldest unit. Not all knew the limit value of 500 cfu/ml for which reason focus on information is still required. The participants were much less concerned compared to a previous study. Overall, the dentists in the study paid attention to proper handling of the dental unit water system.