Fifteen years with clinical guidelines in the treatment of hypertension - still discrepancies between intentions and practice
Engelsk titel: Fifteen years with clinical guidelines in the treatment of hypertension - still discrepancies between intentions and practice
Hetlevik, Irene
Holmen, Jostein
KrCger, Oeystein
Holen, Are
Språk: Eng
Antal referenser: 20
UI-nummer: 57893
The objective was to assess physicians current adherence to the Norwegian clinical guidelines for the treatment of hypertension. General practice in Soer- and Nord-Troendelag counties in Norway, 380 000 inhabitants, was investigated. In one year 2468 patients were registered with the diagnosis of hypertension in the records of 56 general practitioners. There are still major discrepancies between current practice and the intentions laid down in the Norwegian clinical guidelines. A discussion of alternative methods for implementation and for evaluation of the efficacy of clinical guidelines is needed.