Från forskning till klinisk praktik - olika kunskapsintressen i vårdvetenskapliga forskning i Finland
Engelsk titel: From research to clinical practice - different perspectives on Finish nursing research
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Eriksson E
Lauri S
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 51
UI-nummer: 00047242
The purpose of this article is to
describe research of nursing
science in Finland, particulary in
the 1990´ ies. Research have been
done based on different scientific
philosophies: positivism,
fenomenology and citical theory.
By using different approaches
research has produced different
knowledge and theories.
Positivistic research has been
commonly utilized in Finland.
Since the middle of 1980´s a
approach has also been widely
used. Research based on critical
theory is seldom used.
The purpose of nursing science is
to produce knowledge which
develop the science itself and
which support nursing practice in
developing the quality of care.
The integration of theory and
practice demands active input
from researchers and nurses.