Retningslinjer for diagnostikk og behandling av akutte vannlatingsplager hos kvinner
BACKGROUND : Available guidelines for the management of symptoms of lower urinary tract infections (UTI) in women give conflicting recommendations.
MATERIAL AND METHODS : We searched The Cochrane Library, Medline and other sources for evidence that met explicit inclusion criteria for the relevant options and outcomes identified. The validity of included studies was assessed. Draft recommendations were widely circulated and discussed in focus groups with patients and physician assistants.
INTERPRETATION : Implementing these guidelines could result in better service to women with UTIs. More evidence about the effects of antibiotics and other treatments is needed.
RESULTS : The probability that a woman with dysuria or frequency has bacteriuria, is 80%. The probability of UTI given a negative result of a dipstick test is 50%. Evidence suggests that antibiotics will rapidly relieve symptoms, but there are limited data from placebo-controlled randomised trials. Population based studies show that many women do not visit physicians for symptoms of UTI. Women with symptoms of UTI can be treated with antibiotics without examination of the urine. Women with earlier episodes of UTI can be offered treatment by telephone. Antibiotics for three days is sufficient based on eradication of bacteriuria. Women should be seen by a physician if the symptoms are atypical.