Expertvalidering av Oulu patient classification - en fas i utvecklingen av ett nytt system för vårdtyngdsklassificering, RAFAELA
Engelsk titel: Expert validation of the Oulu patient classification - a phase in the development of a new system of patient classification, RAFAELA
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Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 28
UI-nummer: 00108559
During the 1990s patient classification
has once more become a
topical theme for nurse managers
in the Nordic countries. At the
Vasa Central Hospital in Finland
a research project concerned with
patient classification has been
going on since 1994. This article
has two aims: to present on the
one hand a new system of patient
classification, RAFAELA, developed
at the Vasa Central Hopsital
and on the other hand research
results from a study on the content
validity of a relatively new
instrument for patient classification,
the Oulu Patient Classification
(OPC). The RAFAELA system
is based on the OPC instrument
and on the method of «Professional
Assessment of Optimal
Nursing Care Intensity Level»
(PAONCIL). On the basis of earlier
research on patient classification
it can be noted that economic
and administrative motives
have dominated and that caring
science has not consituted a clear
theoretical point of departure.
In this article the caring science
basis for the development of the
RAFAELA system and its structure
as well as topical research
results concerning the PAONCIL
method are presented. The sample
for the study of content validity
consisted of 68 nurses, who
by the aid of a validation instrument
evaluated the content validity
of the OPC basic manual.
According to this panel of
experts, patient classification by
means of the OPC can be regarded
as valid; the method is considered
to give a realistic picture of
the patient’s nursing care intensity.
But there are certain weaknesses
that the expert panel think
should be attended to, above all
the content of subareas of needs 1
and 6 in the basic manual. The
psychic and spiritual needs as
well as the nursing care acitivities
connected with these need to
be clarified. The RAFAELA system
constitutes an efficient instrument
for managing nursing care
and is at the same time a method
by means of which the content of
nursing care can be developed.