"Nu er jeg beskeden. Og mer enn det." Fra Tyskland til Norge i 1934
Engelsk titel: "Now I am humble. Indeed." From Germany to Norway in 1934
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Språk: Nor
Antal referenser: 35
UI-nummer: 01012553
Personnamn som ämnesord:
Saenger H
X : A huge refugee problem arose when the Nazis came to power in Germany in 1933. The most acute stages were just after 1933 and from the summer of 1938. This refugee drama involved all the western countries, including Norway. This paper describes the fate of the German gynaecologist Hans Saenger (1884-1943), professor in Munich, who in 1933 was dispelled by the Nazis because of his Jewish descent. He fled to Norway in 1934 and settled in Fredrikstad. However, the attitude in Norway to refugees in general and Jews in particular was hostile, mainly because of fear of unemployment. Prejudice and xenophobia were of importance, also in the medical profession.