Skriftlig referat fra informationssamtale med lege og sykepleier, gitt foreldre som har barn med nyoppdaget kreft: - mödres og fedres nytte av skriftlig referat
Engelsk titel: Written report of verbal information given to parents of children with newly diagnosed cancer: - mothers` and fathers` benefit of written report
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Hoel LL
Haugland K
Eie I
Språk: Nor
Antal referenser: 8
UI-nummer: 01049918
Aim: When a child has a newly
diagnosed cancer, the doctor and
the primary nurse verbally inform
the parents about their child’s illness
and treatment. The parents
receive a copy of the primary nurses
written report.
We wanted to find out how useful
these written reports were to the
parents, regarding what
they remember and how they use
the written report.
Subjects: 64 parents participated
(34 mothers and 29 fathers of children
with diagnosed cancer in
1995/96) (26 participants from paediatric
surgery ward and 38 from
paediatric oncology ward).
Instrument: A structured interview
with closed-ended questions was
used. In answer to some question
the parents had to choose a point
from 0 to 10 (0 = no degree, 5 =
medium degree, 10 = extremely
high degree).
Results/Conclusion: -The parents
answered that their use of a written
report was extremely high (median
9,6 variation 0,8 - 10) (52 participants
received a written report).
-The parents used this written
report as follows: To remember
what the information contained;
median 9,7 (extremely high degree)
(variation 0,4 - 10), to inform
family and friends; median 6,9
(high degree) (variation 0,2 - 10),
and to inform the other parent who
couldn’t be present at the information
meeting; median 9,7 (extremely
high degree) (variation 0 - 10) (the
figures are texted in English).