Engelsk titel: Alf Brodal - the great brain scientist
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Holck P
Email: per.holck@basalmed.uio.no
Språk: Nor
Antal referenser: 10
UI-nummer: 02011496
Personnamn som ämnesord:
Brodal A
X : The use of scientific methods in the investigation of the central nervous system began at the beginning of the twentieth century, as gifted scientists like Gustav Adolf Guldberg (1854-1908), Fridtjof Nansen (1861-1930), and Georg Herman Monrad-Krohn (1884-1964) took up their research work. Dr Monrad-Krohn's renowned textbook, the so-called "Blue Bible", appeared in 1914 and enhanced the reputation of Norwegian science among specialists internationally. More than any other Norwegian scientist, Professor Alf Brodal (1910-88) brought brain research to new heights. This article presents a portrait of him in relation to his area of research.