Evaluering af Köbenhavns Amts bofaellesskaber for psykisk syge - 1980-1995. En undersögelse
af et tidsbegraenset ophold i bofaellesskab vurderet ud fra udviklingen i social situation samt en
opgörelse af sengedagsforbrug för og efter opholdet
Engelsk titel: Evaluation of group homes for the mentally ill in the county of Copenhagen - 1980-1995. A study of
a time-limited stay in the group home assessed by the development of the social situation and
duration of hospitalization before and after
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Volfing BE
Vogel A
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 12
UI-nummer: 02031972
Introduction: We have assessed the diagnostic and social characteristics of residents, who were living in two small group homes during the period, 1 March 1980-1 August 1994. Almost all the 74 residents had a chronic psychotic disease. They had been living in the group homes for at least three months, on average 19 months. Materials and methods: The investigation was made from case notes and hospital records. The social characteristics were obtained from the first stay in a psychiatric ward, from two years before the patient moved into the group home to the time of moving out and 2, 5, and 10 years thereafter. Results and discussion: Almost all the patients ended up with clear symptoms of schizophrenia and were receiving a social pension. The average duration of hospitalisation for this group was reduced from one third to one seventh of the time from 2 years before to 10 years after they had left the group homes.