Engelsk titel: Treatment of massive pulmonary embolism with local thrombolysis
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Egge J
Berentsen S
Storesund B
Röd R
Waage K
Email: jon.egge@fih.rfk-helse.telemax.no
Språk: Nor
Antal referenser: 12
UI-nummer: 02101313
PATIENTS AND RESULTS : Three patients with massive pulmonary embolism were treated with local catheter-directed thrombolysis and mechanical fragmentation. Nearly total thrombolysis was achieved, as estimated by angiography and spiral CT scan. Clinical improvement was confirmed by blood gas measurements, pulse oximetry, and echocardiographic assessment.
BACKGROUND : The diagnosis and therapy of pulmonary embolism may still be difficult. Patients with massive central emboli have an unacceptable risk of treatment failure and death when treated with conventional anticoagulants.
INTERPRETATION : Based on data from the literature, thrombolytic therapy is more efficient than conventional anticoagulation in patients with massive central pulmonary embolism affecting the systemic circulation. Local, catheter-directed thrombolysis with mechanical fragmentation and direct infusion into the thrombus produced very good results in our patients. Other published data confirm that this method is feasible, safe and effective. In selected patients, this therapy is a good alternative to systemic thrombolysis, although it remains to be established which method is best.