0-3-årige börn henvist til börnepsykiatrisk afdeling. En deskriptiv epidemiologisk undersögelse
Engelsk titel: Children aged 0-3 years referred to child psychiatric department. A descriptive epidemiological
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Elberling H
Skovgaard AM
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 10
UI-nummer: 02121679
Introduction: In a Danish register study the incidence of children aged 0-3 years referred to child psychiatric services in Denmark increased by 30% during 1996-1998. The objective of this study was to further describe 0-3 year-old children referred to child psychiatric departments with a view to distribution of diagnoses, age, sex, and parental mental illness. Material and methods: Children 0-3 years of age referred to child psychiatric departments in the County of Copenhagen in 1998 and 1999 were described on the basis of the clinical database and hospital records. Results: A total of 159 children were admitted over a two-year period corresponding to an incidence of 0.4%. The ratio boys: girls were 1.3:1. However, with regard to pervasive developmental disorders boys dominated 6:1. Among girls, eating disorders were dominating in the youngest children with ratio girls: boys 5:2. Pervasive developmental disorders were the most common diagnoses in children aged 2-3 years, and the overall incidence of this diagnosis was 0.25 per 1000 per year. The most common diagnosis of the youngest children was Z-diagnoses, and most often these children had mentally ill parents. Attachment disorders, eating disorders, and adjustment reactions were common diagnoses in children with mentally ill parents, but more than half of these children did not have any diagnosis at all. Discussion: The incidence of children with pervasive developmental disorder was found twice as high as observed in a register study covering referrals of children aged 0-3 years from all psychiatric departments in Denmark during 1996-1998. Reactive attachment disorder, eating and adjustment disorder, and Z-diagnosis are the most common diagnoses in the youngest children, and most often these children have mentally ill parents.