Arbetsledares inom social omsorg uppfattning av ett välfungerande stöd för personer med
psykiskt funktionshinder
Engelsk titel: Perceptions of support towards persons with long-term mental health problems among supervisors
in social care
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Björkman J
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 34
UI-nummer: 03013180
The reorganization of psychiatric
care has entailed a change of perspective
from regarding mental illness
solely as a disease to regarding
it also as a disability. The
reorganization has also entailed
that the psychosocial perspective
has come to be in the forefront and
the medical one has become a
function of support. The aim of the
study was to describe how supervisors
in social care perceive a
well functioning support to persons
with long-term mental health
problems. Data were collected by
means of interviews with fifteen
strategically selected informants
and analysed according to the
phenomenographical method. Five
categories emerged describing the
supervisor’s perception of a well
functioning support given to persons
with long-term mental health
problems: an existing solid relationship,
an existing competent and
committed staff, an existing cooperation
with the social and professional
network, an existing possibility
for a meaningful occupation
and an existing housing support
based on the individual´s needs
and resources. The supervisors
were guided by a holistic and existentialistic
where the relationship is regarded
to be a foundation for the support.
More activity for strengthening the
social network of the disabled persons
is however necessary.