Engelsk titel: Co-housing for seniors experienced as an occupational generative environment
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Andresen M
Runge U
Email: ma@nefs.dk
Språk: Eng
Antal referenser: 40
UI-nummer: 03013190
This qualitative study aimed to identify and explore how well elderly people living in co-housing for seniors experience their occupational choices and occupational performance from a health-promotion and diseaseprevention perspective. A semi-structured discussion guideline with three main topics - occupational environment , occupational performance and occupational choices was the basis for three focus-group interviews, each with 6 participants. The analysis was performed by using a modified qualitative meaning considering approach. Member checks were done with the original focus groups before the final step in analysis. The findings demonstrated that participants experience themselves as living in an environment which is generative for their occupational choices and performance. Participants talk about their experiences as a result of an interaction between the physical and social environment. They put especially strong emphasis on their social networks. Being in control and deciding for oneself is important, valued and is something they protect individually and in fellowship. In general, participants experience their performance and choices in terms of feeling free and having reserves of energy. Some of the participants point out limitations in choices and performance in relation to either their physical or their social environment.