Transjugulaer intrahepatisk portosystemisk shunt (TIPS) til behandling af komplikationer ved
portal hypertension hos patienter med levercirrose
Engelsk titel: Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) for the treatment of complications of portal
hypertension in patients with liver cirrhosis
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Grönbaek H
Astrup LB
Tönner Nielsen D
Vilstrup H
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 30
UI-nummer: 03021030
Portal hypertension is a main cause for the development of esophago-gastric varices, ascites and hepatic nephropathy in liver cirrhosis. Reduction of portal pressure by a transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) procedure has been possible for the last decade. The treatment reduces the risk for variceal bleeding, reduces ascites formation and may improve renal function in hepatic nephropathy. Improved survival, however, has not yet been documented. Complications comprise procedure related events (puncture of liver capsule, bleeding, infection, hemolysis with mortality 1-5%), shunt stenosis (30-80% during the first year but reversible), and encephalopathy (30% intermittent, 10% chronic). Indications for the procedure are primarily variceal bleeding resistent to conventional pharmacologic and endoscopic treatment. Absolute and relative contraindications are severe hepatic failure, a history of hepatic encephalopathy, infections, respiratory failure, and non-hepatic renal insufficiency.