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At vaere i en kvindelig verden. En eksplorativ undersögelse af mandlige sygeplejerskers oplevelser
Engelsk titel: To be in a women-dominated world. An explorative investigation of male nurses' experiences Läs online Författare: Hundborg S ; Hall EO Språk: Dan Antal referenser: 31 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 03073048


Vård i Norden 2003;23(2)4-8 ISSN 0107-4083 E-ISSN 1890-4238 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


For the last 50 years it has been possible for men in Denmark to qualify as nurses and the group of male nurses is at present 3.2%. The scanty literature about men in nursing shows that they are fond of the job but want male role models. Nursing is connected with the female sex and society is apparently sceptical of male nurses. The aim of this investigation is therefore to describe the male nurses´ experiences. Five informants took part in a semi structured qualitative research based on interviews made in a hermeneutic basis of understanding. The analysis led up to the superior theme: «To be in a female dominated world» and the secondary themes: «To come into and be in conflict with the female values», «Male care is aquired and professional », «Private-talk and gossip » and finally «To be doing fine and leave from wards with patients who need a lot of care». The results show that it can be difficult to live with the dominance of female values. The men are doing fine with the nursing profession but at the same time they want to make a career. Based on the results it is suggested that male and female nurses must open up for their prejudices to make it easier to understand each other and make use of each others´ values for the benefit of the patient.