Engelsk titel: Nursing students exploration of nurses' morals and ethics
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Slettebö Å
Email: ingeborg.storen@su.hio.no
Språk: Nor
Antal referenser: 11
UI-nummer: 03073055
The aim with this study was to
help nursing students to focus on
ethical guidelines. These guidelines
shall help nurses to evaluate
and discuss nursing ethical practice.
The students used an interview-
and observationsguide
when they collected data from the
nurses. We, as researchers, analysed
the data by straight description.
The main findings was analysed
by three categories. They
were: What do nurses do to fulfill
each norm in the ethical guidelines?
How do the nurses understand
each norm? And which
experiences do nurses have when
fulfilling the norms? The conclusion
is that the students used the
guidelines to identify and analyse
the ethical dilemmas in nursing